• Strategic Partner

    In K2 Baseline, we believe in strong teamwork and working closely with our strategic partners to provide a total solution to our clients. The solutions from our strategic partners have been carefully reviewed to ensure our client satisfaction.
    Cyber Security Training
    In a bid to create a knowledge generation capable of understanding and handling the ever-evolving cyber security threats, we strive to nurture the information security workforce with the required knowledge and skills by providing information security competency and capability courses as well as internationally recognised certifications. 

    Trustwave provides the services and technologies to the clients to transform the way they plan, prepare, integrate and manage their information security and compliance programs.

    Trinitysoft provides web and application security 
    solutions that includes Web Application Firewall, 
    Secure Coding and Web Vulnerability Scanner 

    Cyber Insurance

    There is growing reliance on data, technology and interconnectivity with companies collecting, storing and processing massive amounts of data.
    Handling of confidential personal or corporate data can expose you to various Third Party liability and First Party costs and expenses.
    • Liability settlement and defence costs
    • Regulatory defence and penalties
    • Breach response costs such as legal costs to comply with privacy regulations, credit monitoring, PR, notification costs where legally required
    • Cyber extortion expenses and extortion monies
    • Restoration costs of damaged digital assets
    • Income loss, Interruption Expenses
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Strategic Partner